Friday, May 28, 2010


Results of Choraliers auditions for the 2010-2011 school year will be posted in the hall outside the vocal music room at the end of the day today.

8th grade choir and Choralier members will perform tomorrow morning for Alumni Day.  Arrive at the high school theatre at 9:45  We will perform from 10:00 - 10:45.  Wear jeans and choir or Choralier t-shirts.  Choraliers members - remember to take home dance shoes for tomorrow's performance.

All choir performance outfits needs to be turned in immediately.

Choraliers "Last Dance" will be held Tuesday from 2:30 - 4:00.  Newly chosen Choraliers members are welcome to attend.

Mrs. Dietz would like to thank all of the girls who attended the cross country meeting. Please return your parent volunteer form and Relay for Life information to Mr. Dietz or his mailbox before the end of the school year.

Girls who would still like to join the team but did not attend the meeting should see Mr. Dietz.

Tennis Camp and Soccer information is available on the bulletin board at Student Services.

*There will be a quick volleyball meeting after announcements on TUESDAY, June 1st for girls in current grades 6-8th wanting to try-out for the 7th, 8th, and freshman volleyball teams.

Reminder to any boy or girl planning to play golf next year.  Golf camp for boys and girls entering 9th grade will be Tuesday - Friday from 4:30 - 7:00 next week June 2-5.  Any boy or girl that will be in 7th or 8th grade next year are reminded that beginning Monday June 8 and every Monday the rest of the summer at 9 AM, there will be open practice at the Brass RIng.