Thursday, September 23, 2010


Please check lost and found.  A large number of hoodies and sweatshirt have turned up there.  Lost and found is located in the Chieftain head lobby across from the principal's office

Congratulations to the 7th grade football team for their 16-14 win over Vinton County. The Chiefs played well on both sides of the ball in the second half and are now 3-1.  Scoring were Cole Baron and Isaiah Smith.

Congratulations to the 8th grade football team who defeated Vinton County 24-12 last night.  Caleb Lewellen had an excellent game leading the team to victory.

Congratulations to the 7th graders elected to Student Council:
Cassidy Bosch Alicia Clark Grace Libben
Madi Kuhn Libby Hosler Sierra Heilman
Nicole Wilcox Kimberly Conley Hannah Schrader
Grayce Huntsberger

"The first issue of the Jr. Chieftain News will be on sale Friday during homeroom for only a quarter.

For Friday's spirit day wear purple and something black and orange or tiger print to show your support for the chiefs to beat the tigers. examples of black and orange items, wrist bands, head bands, hair ties, scarfs, socks, nail polish, etc. Have fun with it.

There will be  new personalized Logan Chieftain spirit items  for sale on Friday.  Check out the spirit cart.

Bowling - Organizational meeting Saturday, Sept. 25 at noon.

Choraliers practice Friday from 2:30 - 4:00.  Bring your dance shoes.  Forms and money are due by 9-30.  All choir and Choraliers members must turn in their fundraiser order forms as soon as possible.  Absolute deadline is Friday.

Chess Club will begin on Monday, September 27. Chess Club is open to all students at Logan-Hocking Middle School and meets on Mondays after school until 3:20. We meet in library.

If you would like to join, please pick up a permission form from Mrs. Crisler in room 214 or from the "activities board" outside Student Services. You must have a signed permission form to stay. You will need to arrange for a ride home at 3:20 after Chess Club. Please join Chess Club this year and encourage your friends to join, too. 

You do not have to know how to play chess to join. You can learn at Chess Club!