Monday, November 1, 2010


The Teen Institute meeting scheduled for Tuesday has been cancelled due to Joanna not being able to be here.  The next meeting will be November 16.

There is a  mandatory winter sports  meeting for any student/parent who did not attend the fall meeting on Monday at 6:00 at the high school.  This is for anyone who plans to participate in winter or spring sports.

Mrs. Renko's PE Fit classes will need to bring a pencil to class and will not change for PE today.

November student of the month

Erica Wine nominated by Mrs. Myers
Autumn Moskonas nominated by Mr. Herman
Eric Ogle nominated by Ms. Bosch
Maely Bluhm nominated by Mrs. Bowlby
Kierstan Conaway nominated by Mrs. Raushenberg
Rachelle Harden nominated by Mrs. Stanson
Holly Arbusio nominated by Mrs. Branstetter

You can still order a yearbook this week for $15.  See Mrs. Harden in room 146.