Monday, March 5, 2012


-Mar 5 - Boys and girls track begins after school until 4:30.
-Mar. 6 - 5th grade youth volleyball practice will be @ 2:30-3:30 and
6th grade
will be at 3:30-4:30.
-Mar. 6 - There will be a Teen Institute meeting on Tuesday after school. All
members should try to attend.

Congratulations to both the middle school archery team and 5th and 6th
grade archery team. Logan's top individual finishers were Riley Morris
3rd place, John Edwards 4th place and Kimberly Kellenbarger 5th in the
elementary division. In the middle school division, Michael Downs
placed 4th and Anna Hoellrich finished 5th. Congratulations to all
team members.